I learned that Abhitech had a customized system, with employee data available on a dashboard not available among other companies
Abhitech helps you take care of your HR processes.
Abhitech helps you take care of your HR processes.
Abhitech provides HR solutions catered to your business needs. Access the most reliable workforce through our data analytical reporting, time-saving technology, highest level of compliance – complete with team of experts.
Launch your business in Indonesia by building your local team through Abhitech. We ensure high compliance standards and processes allowing you and your new team to focus on your business targets.
We offer solutions to help your hiring process, making it easier for you to find the right and qualified talent for your company.
Let your HR and manpower be processed and managed by the experts. Reduce risks of errors, save time, resources, and money. Let us handle any of your operations so you can focus on your business goals.
Upgrade your payroll management process with Abhitech. We ensure that your payroll is accurate, compliant with regulations, on time, and on track. With Worry-free payroll processes, you can focus on the core of your business strategies.
One click away from all your organized HR data. With automatic HR data process, you can save time and money, allowing you to focus on strategy and the productivity of your HR department.
I learned that Abhitech had a customized system, with employee data available on a dashboard not available among other companies
Experience in handling multinational company, easiness to communicate and problem solving.
Pengalaman di bidangnya dan terbukti memberikan pelayanan yang professional
Service Abhitech sangat bagus dengan harga yg kompetitif. Abhitech jg bertanggung jawab dan sangat koperatif untuk memberikan service sebaik mungkin.
Protect employee’s rights, excellent teamwork inter-company & employees management, rapid, accurate, and professional delivery.
Abhitech’s team is incredibly helpful and responsive.
We felt that Abhitech is always keen on helping us with certain proposals that potentially bring us a complete solution.
Abhitech gave a big support to H3I (hutchison 3 Indonesia) even in short times decision needed such as payment decision such as non-routine expenses, bonuses to employees, etc.
Abhitech specializes in providing HR solutions for major companies in Indonesia. We believe by helping you to take care of your HR administration processes, you can focus on core business strategies and achieve growth.
That’s why our aim is simple; to support #HRforBusinessImpact in Indonesia.
Our experts are here to help and find the best solution for your company needs.
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